Top Four Tell-Tale Signs That Your Neighborhood is Dangerous


Suppose you have moved to a new neighborhood and don’t know what to expect from your new dwelling place. Naturally, you will be worried about your neighbors (what kind of people would they be), the school for your children, and the safety of you and your family.

Understandably, one’s neighborhood plays a crucial role in one’s sense of safety, wellbeing, and happiness. While living in a safe community, one naturally spends quality time outside, whereas while living in a dangerous community causes one to keep the doors and windows shut at all times.

If you are planning to move to a new region, the below-given list includes 4 essential indicators that can tell whether a neighborhood is safe or not.

Check Out the Statistics

It doesn’t matter whether you have been residing in the region for some time now or whether you have moved in just recently. You must check out the statistics related to crimes. In case of criminal incidents, you ought to have a lawyer handy, such as the NoVa Law Firm.

Nonetheless, it would be wrong to consider that crimes are taking place in the bigger cities only. The truth is that crimes can happen anywhere and at any time. Even if you reside in a small town that has a small community. It is recommended to check out crucial websites and see what the crime ratio is.

Presence of Cops

We all know that police officers respond to crime. That said, take in your neighborhood and assess it for police activity. If you can detect loads of police activity and police presence, it can be a sign of a bad and essentially dangerous neighborhood. Nonetheless, if you see a police car passing through the streets, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that something fishy is going on.

We all know that patrolling different areas in the region is part of every police department’s official duty. On the other hand, if you detect police responding to different calls many times daily, it is an indicator that your neighborhood may not be too safe.

Abandoned Stores & Houses

Another one of the essential signs of a dangerous neighborhood is the existence of abandoned storefronts and houses. Assess your neighborhood and see how populated it is. If you can detect many buildings and homes that have visibly been evacuated, it can be a tell-tale sign that your neighborhood is a dangerous one.

Reduced property values can be a sign of a spike in the crime rate, which can put the health and welfare of your family and loved ones in danger. Another indicator of a dangerous neighborhood is a lack of food and grocery stores. Even small businesses cannot run smoothly in the presence of crime rates.

Rental Properties Outnumber Home Ownerships

Suppose you see more rental owners than real homeowners. It could be associated with higher crime rates. According to different studies, rental homes often incur a higher criminal activity than proper home ownerships. Nonetheless, it doesn’t exhibit that all renters are criminals. All of us are more likely to rent a home at some point in their life. However, if you see your neighbors change frequently, it is more likely because they are up to no good.