Imagination-Inspired Decor


Children have the most wonderful and expansive imaginations. Their comprehensive thoughts and extensively wild ideas should be encouraged and nurtured at every opportunity. These dreams and fantasy situations can inspire play and interaction important for their learning and development. Their bedroom at home, along with the school classroom, of course, play a pivotal role in their creative and free-flowing minds. So what can parents do to supplement this?

Storytime links

Whether you are reading a book to your child or making a story up together, it is important to link things from the book or story to things they have been learning about or things that have happened that day. For example, if the book has a princess with long hair, you could mention that you will be going for a haircut next week and need to book an appointment. Another way of doing it is to match things up from within the bedroom to the story itself. Cuddly toys come in handy here so if there is an animal in the story you can easily link it in and pretend that one of their furry friends is a part of the tale and act it out in front of them using different voices. In time, the child will learn and be confident enough to do this with you and will begin to initiate the play and story with each character. Keep this in mind when you are decorating the room and buying toys that could perhaps play a part in an interesting tale or two.

Educational Accessories

The areas to focus on here would be things like educational charts and posters with themes and logos of familiar characters and figures. For example, a superhero counting chart for the wall or a globe in the corner for the desk is perfect accessories that can elevate educational value. You could even have an alphabet chart with different animals on it for fun and a times table book with characters from their favorite show or book in them to lighten up the learning.

Creative Decor

By choosing bright and attractive colors with engaging patterns and logos of various shapes and sizes you will trigger your child’s imagination. The innovative designs available are very child-friendly and appealing to all so the hardest part will be narrowing down the choice rather than worrying about matching things as with ‘adult decor’. Youthful innocence allows you creative freedom and their free spirit can encourage your more bold and risky selections of wonderful curtains, extravagant pillows, and wild and whacky wallpaper. Complement that with some funky furniture and you are onto a winner! 

Final Thoughts

Your support as a parent is crucial to your child’s growth, learning, and development. You do this in so many ways but probably have never thought about the impact your choice of decor can have on a little one’s education. It is amazing the difference that little touches and the seemingly insignificant additions can make when combined with what the children learn in school. By adding your own dimensions to the overall scheme of things could see your child’s favorite dinosaur bedding be the foundation for a career in paleontology!