Tell Tale Signs of a Good Criminal Lawyer


Sometimes we find ourselves a victim of uncalled situations that we aren’t mentally prepared for. For instance, we might face false accusations of crimes that we never committed. Or, we can get caught up in car accidents. Sometimes, we are simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

At times like these, all you need is a good criminal lawyer, a professional attorney who is well-versed with the law of your state and knows how to help and represent their clients in court. Irrespective of the type of case you have gotten dragged in, you should know your basic human rights of remaining silent and connect with your lawyer right away.

In case you are wondering what makes a good lawyer, here are three tell-tale signs that you are dealing with a high-quality professional. Read on to learn more!


With a good professional lawyer, you won’t have to worry about being unfamiliar with your state’s legal system. A good lawyer will keep the flow of communication simple, clear, and transparent while briefing you about the court procedures, documentation process, legal jargon, and so on. 

A reputable professional expert will be ready to eliminate all your confusion and give you a clear picture of all steps involved in your court hearings. The language in which the good lawyer will explain the process will be easy for you to understand, and by the end of the day, you will feel confident about your case and your lawyer. 

If you have trouble understanding any part of the process, a good lawyer will be more than willing to help you by answering all your questions. In other words, the communication will be clear, transparent, and free from law-related jargon. 

Instant Accessibility

Another tell-tale sign that you are dealing with a professional lawyer is that you won’ have to worry about asking questions. It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is. If some question pops up in your mind and you are looking for answers, the lawyer will remain available and will be more than willing to clarify any of your queries.  

Only a reputable and experienced professional understands the importance of staying in contact with their potential clients. As a client, you should have the feeling that your lawyer has your back and he/she is there to help you without judging you. 

If you have to track down your lawyer to gather information about what is going on with your case, your case is in the wrong hands. Whenever you have a question and the office timings are closed, you can leave an email, and your lawyer will help you as soon as they can. In other words, instant accessibility is a top-telling sign that you are in good hands. 

Follow-Up & Updates

This point is just an extension of the previous point. A good, reputable, and experienced lawyer will make it a priority to keep you updated about your case. You won’t have to run after the lawyer as they will feel obligated to provide their clients with an update and follow-ups. 

A good lawyer understands that their client(s) are stressed out and wondering about their case as the court dates go by. Although things might be a bit slow at times, a good lawyer will ensure that their clients are updated on all courthouse events.

Suppose the lawyer isn’t available to take your calls or respond to your emails right away. You will feel the confidence that they will contact you later and update you about the proceedings as soon as they can. With a good lawyer, you will know that you are in good hands, and you don’t have to worry about anything since you will keep getting the follow-ups and updates.