How to Save Someone’s Discord Profile Picture


Take mere assistance from this article and your mediocre tech savvy-self; you can achieve your goal. The most basic tip you must comprehend while attempting to save your profile picture is that the app won’t let you do that. So, what are your other options?

Bear with me while I tell you the specific steps on how you can save your discord profile picture.

This specific method will guide you through if you’re surfing Chrome, but, fortunately, it’s similar for other browsers, as well.

Step 1– Log into your Discord account. Chrome or Firefox will work fine for this.

Step 2– Now, you will have to access the profile picture. You could right-click or select ‘Profile’ and click on the profile picture. Repeat the process as the ‘Roles’ section comes up.

Step 3– This is the crucial part, so be attentive while doing it. Open the Inspect Menu. Utilize ‘Cmd’ + ‘Shift’ + ‘C’ to access it manually. Or you can use ‘Ctrl’ +  ‘Shift’ + ‘C’. You have to then click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner and click on More Tools. You must see that the drop-down menu will appear.

For Mac Users, you can click the ‘View’ option on the left corner and choose ‘Developer Tools.’ You should see a drop-down selection after doing so.

Step 4– Switch to the option which has a cursor intruding a square. When you hover on it, it will showcase, “Select an element in the page to inspect it.” As the box along with the cursor turns blue, it’s ready to use.

Step 5– Click on the Profile Picture and when you do this, Inspect Element will replace the Element and a highlighted image address will appear

Step 6– After copying the image address, you will have to right-click the highlighted selection and select Copy. Choose Copy Element from the drop-down menu.

On a Mac, you can also click on Edit, which is on the top left corner and choose the Copy option.  Choose Copy from the options given.

Step 7– Paste the image link to Google Chrome. Cutout and highlight all the texts written before https. Right-click on it and select the ‘Cut’ or ‘Del’ option.

Step 8– Press enter and ensure if the image is correct. If yes, then congratulations! You have followed all the steps correctly. At this point, you must see a mini version of the profile picture along with dark borders around it.

Step 9– Save your image to your PC, laptop, or Mac, then right-click on the image and select the ‘Save Image as..’ option. Save it wherever you want to on your device, and you’re done!

If you have accomplished all these steps successfully, you can now change your avatar as frequently as you’d like and also get to save them. For further details and comprehension, feel free to jump onto Youtube. Multiple detailed videos can walk you through all the needed steps in order to change, save, or find someone’s Discord Profile Picture.

Give it a go!